289:0 Closed: Amended and Accepted unanimously 289:1 The open method shall set the host adapter's own selection ID as follows: 289:2 289:3 Attempt to locate a "scsi-initiator-id" property by executing 289:4 "get-inherited-property" with the string "scsi-initiator-id" 289:5 as its argument. If such a property is found, decode its 289:6 value as with "decode-int", and use the decoded value as the 289:7 host adapter's own selection ID. Otherwise, use the value 7. 289:8 289:9 Note: The use of "get-inherited-property" to get the "scsi-initiator-id" 289:A property makes it possible to choose the set of SCSI host adapters to 289:B which the property applies. If the property is in the root node, 289:C for example, it applies to all the SCSI host adapters in the system. If 289:D the property is elsewhere in the device tree, it applies only to host 289:E adapters in the subtree below and including the location of the property.